Johan Liljencrants, selected publications
Liljencrants J: Metod för proportionell frekvenstransponering av en signal. Swedish patent no 362975, submitted 1972-08-04, granted 1974-04-04
Liljencrants J: On the dimensioning of bass-reflex enclosures. STL QPSR, 3/1966, pp7-22. (First of two papers for the degree of tekn lic)
Liljencrants J: The OVE III speech synthesizer. STL QPSR, 2-3/1967, pp76-81. IEEE Trans AU-16, no 1, 1968, pp137-140
Liljencrants J: A filter bank speech spectrum analyzer. STL Techn Rep, STL-TR-1968-1, Roy Inst Tech, Stockholm 1968, 106pp. (Second of two papers for the degree of tekn lic)
Liljencrants J, Lindblom B: Numerical simulation of vowel quality systems: The role of perceptual contrast. STL QPSR, 1/1971, 50. Language 48, no 4, 1972, pp839-862
Liljencrants J: A Fourier series description of the tongue profile. STL QPSR, 4/1971, pp9-18 (ingår som appendix i avh 1985)
Liljencrants J, Fant G: Computer program for VT-resonance frequency calculations. STL QPSR, 4/1975, pp15-20.
Blomberg, Carlson, Elenius, Fant, Granström, Jismalm, Liljencrants Talsvarssystem i telenätet, STL Techn Rep, TRITA-TLF-78-1, Roy Inst Tech, Stockholm 1978, (author to pp 16-61)
Fant G, Liljencrants J: Perception of vowels with truncated intraperiod decay envelopes STL QPSR, 1/1979, pp 79-84
Liljencrants J: The discrete and the fast Fourier transform. Tutorial seminar notes, STL 1984, 10pp.
Liljencrants J: Speech synthesis with a reflection-type line analog. Roy Inst Tech, Stockholm 1985, 146pp (Doctoral dissertation)
Liljencrants J: Elektroakustik. KTH, Stockholm 1985, 260pp (Textbook in Swedish, new ed. 1993)
Liljencrants J: Elektroakustik. Övningsexempel med lösningar. KTH, Stockholm 1985.
Fant G, Liljencrants J, & Qi-guang Lin: A Four-parameter model of glottal flow. STL QPSR, 4/1985, pp1-13
Gauffin J, Liljencrants J: The role of convective acceleration in glottal aerodynamics. Proc Congr of Vocal Fold Physiology, Tokyo 1987.
Liljencrants J: Numerical simulation of glottal flow. Proc Congr of Vocal Fold Physiology, Stockholm 1989.
Liljencrants J: Analogies in the production of speech and music. Proc Wenner-Gren Symp on Music, Language, Speech and Brain. 1990.
Liljencrants J: A translating and rotating mass model of the vocal folds. STL QPSR, 1/1991, pp 1-18
Liljencrants J: Numerical simulations of glottal flow. Proc Eurospeech '91, Genova, pp 255-258.
Sundberg J, Lindblom B, Liljencrants J: Formant frequency estimates for abruptly changing area functions: A comparison between calculations and measurements. JASA 91-6, 1992, pp 3478-82
Liljencrants J: Elektroakustik. KTH, Stockholm 1993, omarb uppl, 270pp (Textbook in Swedish)
Liljencrants J: Speech Signal Processing. In Hardcastle, W J, Laver, J (eds): Handbook of Phonetic Science. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997.
Liljencrants J: Control of voice quality in a glottal model. Proc. 8th VocalFold Physiology Conference, April 6-8 1994, Kurume, Japan. In Fujimura, O., Hirano, M.: Vocal fold physiology, voice quality control. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, Inc, pp 97-112.
Fant G, Liljencrants J: Data reduction of LF voice source parameters. Fonetik 94, Working Papers 43, Lund 1994, 62-65.
Fant G, Kruckenberg A, Liljencrants J, Båvegård M: Voice source parameters in continuous speech. Transformation of LF-parameters. Proc. Int. Congr. of Spoken Language Processing, Sept. 18-22 1994, Yokohama, Japan.
Karlsson I, Liljencrants J: Wrestling the two-mass model to conform with real glottal waveforms. Proc. Int. Congr. of Spoken Language Processing, Sept. 18-22 1994, Yokohama, Japan.
Liljencrants J: Airflow visualizations in a model of the glottal passage (video). ESPRIT/BR no 6975, deliverable 26, 1995.
Liljencrants J, Karlsson I, Fant G, Båvegård M: Analysis by synthesis of glottal airflow. ESPRIT/BR no 6975, deliverable 27, 1995.
Karlsson I, Liljencrants J: Extreme voice quality, models and data. ESPRIT/BR no 6975, deliverable 26, 1995.
Pelorson X, Liljencrants J, Kroeger B: On the aeroacoustics of voiced sound production. Proc ICA 15, Jun 26-30 1995, Trondheim. Vol IV, 501-504.
Liljencrants J: Analysis by synthesis of glottal airflow in a physical model. Fonetik 96, Swedish Phonetics Conference, Nässlingen, May 29-31, 1996. STL QPSR, 2/1996, 139-142.
Karlsson I, Liljencrants J: Diverse voice qualities: models and data. Fonetik 96, Swedish Phonetics Conference, Nässlingen, May 29-31, 1996. STL QPSR, 2/1996, 143-146.
Liljencrants J: Experiments with analysis by synthesis of glottal airflow. Invited paper in Proc. Int. Congr. of Spoken Language Processing, Oct 3-6, 1996, Philadelphia.Vol 2, 1289-1292.
Fant G, Hertegård S, Kruckenberg A, Liljencrants J:
Covariation of subglottal pressure, F0 and glottal parameters.
Proc. Eurospeech '97, Rhodos, pp 453-456.
TMH-QPSR, 41(2-3), 001-052. Acoustic-phonetic studies of prominence in Swedish.
Liljencrants, J: Space and air
economy in the low organ register (pdf, 89 kb). Proc.
Stockholm Mus. Acoust. Conf. (SMAC 03), Stockholm, Sweden, August
6-7-8-9, 2003, pp 325-8.
Program manuals
Liljencrants J: lungnet - simulator for passive R-L-K networks. TMH internalprogram manual, 1997.
Contributions to: Nationalencyklopedin, Bra Böcker, 1989-1995
Signed articles (JLs): bandspelare, bel, CD, distorsion, grammofon, högtalare, ljud, ljudupptagning, ljudåtergivning, magnetisk inspelning, stereo.
Unsigned articles: absorption, ambiofoni, amplitud, bandeko, barkskalan, brum, brus, brusreducering, DAT, decibel, differenston, dipol, Dolby, dynamik 2-3, elektroakustik, fonograf, fyrkanalstereo, high fidelity, inspelningsstudio, kapstanaxel, kompaktskiva, kontaktmikrofon, leslie, mellotron, mixning, mono, PA-system, pickup, rundgång, Röstfrämjandet, sampling, sequencer, signal-stör-förhållande, synthesizer, återkoppling, överton.
Partial articles: akustik, baud, bit, blåsinstrument, DIN, digitalt ljud, efterklang, elektroakustisk musik, elektrofon, filter, fonoautograf, fonogram, freestyle, förstärkare, impedans, impedansanpassning, intermodulation, ljudhastighet, ljudmätutrustning, logaritmisk potentiometer, MIDI, redigering, resonans, röst.